ISO 9001:2015



With 30 years of experience in the industry, Radex stands out with its individual approach to each client. Our mission is not only to deliver products but, above all, to solve encountered problems.

At Radex, we understand that every challenge a plant faces is unique, which is why we do not limit ourselves to standard solutions. Our team of specialists approaches each situation creatively, offering personalized and effective solutions. This allows us to tailor our devices and working methods to the specific needs of each client, going a step further than the typical market offer.

Radex is not just about products, but above all about support and advice. Our experts, located in various parts of the country, are always ready to meet with you and propose the most effective solutions. We believe that personal contact and understanding the specifics of our clients' operations is the key to success.

Radex is more than a supplier – it is a partner in maintaining the highest standards of hygiene in the food industry. We encourage you to contact us and discover how we can help in solving your challenges.


« More info about RADEX
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mobile cleaning stationsmobile cleaning stations
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Continuous growing for over 30 years

A constant grown number of customers and more comprehensive offer required to employ more staff. In 1989, Radex had 3 staff members, whereas in 2017 - the total number of employees in Radex was circa 90 people and has been on the same level to this day.

Within the last 30 years, we have cooperated with several dozen foreign partners, thanks to which our technical products were bought not only in the whole of Europe but also in Asia, Africa and both Americas. We assemble our systems, e.g. in the Arab Emirates, Canada, Mali and Chile.

Our customers

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