ISO 9001:2015
Stainless steel washbasins Stainless steel washbasins Stainless steel washbasins Stainless steel washbasins Stainless steel washbasins Stainless steel washbasins
  • Stainless steel washbasins
  • Stainless steel washbasins
  • Stainless steel washbasins
  • Stainless steel washbasins
  • Stainless steel washbasins
  • Stainless steel washbasins

Stainless steel washbasins


Washbasins made of stainless steel. We offer many options etc. automatic, photocell activated or hand, knee or foot activated.


  • Wash basin 1x1 (single), photocell operated
  • Wash basin 1x2 (dual), photocell operated
  • Wash basin 1x3 (triple), photocell operated
  • Wash basin 1x1 (single), knee operated
  • Wash basin 1x2 (dual), knee operated
  • Wash basin 1x3 (triple), knee operated
  • Wash basin 1x4 (quadruple), knee operated
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